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Students: everything you need to know about housing aid!

You decided to study in France and you might be lost between the paperwork for school, finding an apartment and find financial aids. Let us explain the different choices of accommodations France has and the help that we can provide.  
Article en français


Who are we?  


The Caf (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales) is a French public agency that supports people in their daily lives. It plays an essential role in national solidarity, notably by providing financial aid, including housing aid for students living in France.  


University residences, shared accommodation... what should you choose? 


The options are numerous. Before making your choice, it's wise to calculate your budget ahead. In addition to rent and utilities, you'll need to take into account other expenses that may not be listed (home insurance, energy bills, Internet subscription, groceries...). Don't forget the deposit, as well as agency fees if you're using a professional agency.  Also, remember to open a bank account in France to manage your finances smoothly.


Crous university residences  


Located close to university campuses, CROUS residences (Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires - a public establishment linked to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research) are primarily intended for scholarship students, but all students are welcome to apply. 


Private studio


Studios, bedrooms, 2-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished... private accommodation is offered either by private individuals or by real estate agencies. There are many offers, and they are easy to find on the Internet: Ij-annonces, Leboncoin, Pap, Seloger... Please note that for furnished dwelling, compulsory items must be made available to tenants (bedding, seats, table, refrigerator, dishes...).


Accommodation in a private home  


A furnished room in a private home is a low-cost solution. Several offers are available and accessible to all on the Locaviz website managed by the Crous (plus: each ad is checked).

Please note: a lease must be signed before you can apply for housing aid.


Share a house or live-in partnership


Sharing costs, conviviality, a larger living space... sharing an apartment has many benefits when you're a student! There are two types of contract: a single lease (with the other housemates) or a multiple lease (to be signed alone with the landlord).  To find the ideal apartment-share, visit the following websites: Appartager, La carte des colocs, Leboncoin/colocations…  

What about intergenerational sharing? This allows people over 60 to rent or sublet part of their home to a young person under 30, in exchange for a low rent. Get in touch with specialized websites to find out what's on offer nearby: Générations & Cultures, Ensemble2générations, Cohabilis.

Alternatively, you can move in as a couple. We will consider you to be cohabiting (concubinage in French). To find out more, read our dedicated article.



Coliving is a new housing solution. Residents share a common living space but have their own personal space. It's a modern, flexible way to live, requiring no major move, subscription or account opening. Visit sites like coliving-france,  La Carte des colocs, colyvis and

Good to know: to protect your data when looking for student accommodation, use DossierFacile. This government platform secures your digital file with watermarks and enables secure transmission to landlords!


Housing aid from Caf


Simulation, application, file follow-up... For your housing aid, everything you need to know is on


First step: run an online simulation  


Think you've found your new home?  Want to estimate the amount of your housing benefit to determine your budget? Go to the Caf simulator.  


Step 2: Apply online  


Once you've found a place to live, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from the housing allowance paid monthly by Caf. To do this, you need to apply online. Go to "Aides et démarches", "Mes démarches”, “Logement”.  


English documentation 




Important: don't waste time with your application  


Apply for housing aid as soon as you receive the keys. (For example, if you apply in September, your entitlement will start in October and you will receive your payment in November).  

Prepare the necessary documents in advance. Your application should be made in your own name and with your own income. If you are missing any supporting documents, you can send them to us online at a later date.  

To find out everything you need to know about your stay in France, visit the Welcome to France page on the etudiant.gouv website. You'll find essential information on student life, available grants and much more. Find out more about the buddy system, catering, healthcare and practical advice.