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Caisse d'Allocations familiales

Student, you’re moving in an accommodation

You’re a student, and you have an accommodation.  
Whether your landlord is private or an agency, you can apply for housing benefits in order to help you pay your rent.
To make a request for a housing aid, you have to click on the website faire sa demande 
Here is all the informations that you’re going to need to make your request online.
The housing benefit isn’t related to the income of your parents, or if you are a CROUS grant holder.
Don’t hesitate to make a simulation if you want to know the amount: simulation
You are moving : Even if you’re already receiving housing allowance for your previous accommodation, you have to notify the change of your address and apply again for your new accommodation. 

1 When to apply ?

Your request for housing benefits must be made neither too early nor too late. 
It must be done after the start of the lease.

Good to know : The housing benefits begin the month following the lease start date. 

2 What to do before applying ?

First, you need to prepare all the necessary documents!
Prepare all the necessary documents: 
Your  rental lease for private accommodation or the CAF certificate for Crous residents
Bank account RIB (except for Crous résidents)
Your income statement from the past 12th months preceding your application (if you are in an internship or apprentiship)
You can create a simulation if you want to know your budget. 

3 Your request :

Careful: Wait to be living in your accommodation before applying
Already a beneficiary : Click on "mon compte" category "simuler ou demander une prestation"
Not yet beneficiary : Click on : "faire une demande de prestation en ligne" puis cliquer sur "logement"  


Good to know during your application

Your Social Security number will be your identification, so keep it well! If you don’t have one, a temporary identification beginning by a ”P” will be sent to you. Keep it until you receive your Social Security number. 
Remember to write your cell phone number in order to facilitate communication with the CAF. It will be helpful if you forget your password ! If you need help, you can click on the questions mark! Your address has to be complete, including number of the apartment and name of the residence.  
We ask for your incomes, and not your parent's incomes. If you don’t have any, you have to click on the “absence de revenus” mark.
Worker students / in apprenticeship/internship / : in order to verify your worker status, you have look your work contract or your pay slip. 


After applying

Check on the final recap. You canfind all the necessary documents the Caf is going to need  The processing time begin after the reception of the documents. It’s necessary to send all the documents as soon as possible. 
You can do a scan or a photo to put all the necessary documents directly on your personnal space “mon compte”, heading “mes démarches suivre mes démarches à transmettre” or in our mobile app “cafmoncompte” “démarches à transmettre

4 4 – International students:

You have questions? You can tchat with our CAF agents by webinars or workshop under this link.